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August 09, 2021 6 min read 0 Comments
Defining Inertia.
We all have dreams and aspirations, but very few of us actually do anything about them. The main problem is a common, albeit universal, state of mind - inertia! The dictionary meaning of inertia is - disposition to remain inactive.
One of the biggest obstacles startup founders go through is inertia. So are the students, artists, writers, and other creative professionals.
Inertia is a powerful force in human performance. When we get stuck in an activity or attitude, it can be pretty hard to get out of that no-man's land.
The Root of the Problem.
The big obstacle holding you back on your path to success is not technology or knowledge that you need to learn. It is inertia. What if you could break free from your habits, from your weaknesses, from the drag of routine? Imagine if you could make your life challenges fun and rewarding? Imagine feeling unstoppable and achieving unachievable goals. You can make it happen when you overcome inertia.
Think about the time you wanted to write a book, start a business, or start a blog, it didn't happen yet because of inertia. Inertia is the biggest obstacle standing in your way to success. It represents a force that keeps you from going forward. Since inaction equals lack of progress, overcoming inertia is crucial.
Overcoming Inertia.
Unfortunately, inertia is difficult to overcome. But, it is possible. It takes an enormous amount of courage and a great deal of self-control.
The first step is to identify the type of condition you are facing. Is it a challenge, and do you feel defeated? If so, then action is required immediately. Do you feel paralyzed because there are no good options available to you? Then it is time to think more about your problem. How important are your goals? Are they realistic?
The forces to overcome inertia is mental. Write down what is stopping you from taking action. Make a list, describe your fears without getting judged. If these were the problems of your close friend, what would you do to help? Note down your solutions and start implementing one at a time. The secret is to recognize what area of your life has resistance. Then work on overcoming that area until you can move forward with a new positive belief.
Start by finding the part of you that is resistant to change. This could be your fear of responsibility or a fear of making mistakes. Identify the thing that makes you say """"no"""". Now, whenever you feel fear toward a new or different thing, write it down. In the beginning, it may feel impossible to act, but your conscious action is what will save you in the end.
Do not fear failure or embarrassment.
What keeps us stuck and why we cannot seem to move forward is not lack of motivation. It is the fear of failure and the consequences associated with failure. The most common is the fear of embarrassment. Fear of embarrassment makes you cringe. It stops you from doing anything worthwhile. Let it be giving a speech in front of an audience or publishing something that might invite criticism.
Let us imagine you meet a man in a wheelchair. After a while, you realize the person is not disabled. You get to know that the man has a phobia of standing up. You also understand the reason for the phobia is not innate. At a young age, his mental faculties advanced like a grown-up. But, he couldn't talk or communicate his feelings. Every time he started to get up, he fell to the floor. People around encouraged him to try again. This motivated him to continue trying. But, later, he also noticed some of them laugh when he falls. He gets embarrassed, and this puts him off. He stopped trying and never walked again, even after becoming an adult.
When you talk to this person, what will you tell him? It's okay to fall, but never stop getting up, isn't it? If he tells you that he is too embarrassed to fail, you won't accept the reason. You know the embarrassment is in one's mind, and it doesn't help him anyway.
Being embarrassed is a state of mind. It's like you slip and fall on the road. You have two choices, to get up, laugh at yourself for the goof-up or look around and get worried about who is laughing at you. Same event, different reactions, and you know the difference is how you perceive and act.
One step at a time.
Many of us are paralyzed by inertia. The natural reaction to fear is to freeze, becoming immobile and stuck in our positions. But there is a cure for this disease known as setbacks.
Imagine if you could speed up or slow time; move forward one second at a time. It would feel like magic. Move forward in your lives by choosing activities and actions not to think about.
Take action.
It is easy to get stuck in habits that keep you stuck. Of course, there are many ways to break free from an established pattern. But if you want to improve your quality of life, you'll need to challenge yourself both at home and in your work. One of the biggest obstacles to overcoming inertia is taking action on something new. It could be as simple as taking a long walk or writing the first sentence of the report. No matter how small the action is, your action is the key.
Fear of facing change.
There is a famous quote that reads: "If you don't overcome your fear of change, you will never be able to move forward." This quote resonates with us because it makes sense of why so many people get slowed down by change. Because they have too often been held back by their fear of change. Inertia is an essential part of our system because it makes us view change as costly and difficult. Once you embrace change, the benefits are immeasurable.
Cut off distractions.
When you don't act on your goals, you may have channeled your actions elsewhere. It could be endless scrolling of Social Media. Binge-watching Netflix/Youtube or playing mobile/PC games. Assess your everyday routine. Make a list of all activities that you consider distraction, and then take a pledge to stop them. Initially, it will be hard. If you can't focus on your work, remain still/idle, and observe how you feel. Be mindful. Your mind will anchor on the next thing for distraction. It may seem right, but anything that's not associated with your goal is a distraction.
Move your body
There is an innate fact in nature - our bodies will move whenever and wherever we put our will behind them. We naturally find our way to wherever we are going by stepping out of our comfort zone. This applies to our work, our hobbies, our personal life, and everything between. No matter what challenges or obstacles you may face, the simple fact is that you can overcome them if you have the will to move forward. Finding that will takes nothing but action and determination. Next time, you realize your forces of inertia are stronger, take a long walk with no distractions. Believe me, it helps.
Move your body. Your body is an evolutionary machine. When you exert your body, then you see the magic happening. Anything like walking, running, lifting weights, or playing a sport will do.
Aspiring to be a perfectionist.
Trying to become a perfectionist is another way to escape the fear of embarrassment. Most times, we postponed things because we wait for the right time, place, or conditions.
For most of us, the pressure to be perfect comes from within. We grow up with the expectation that all work must be perfect, that every task we undertake must be flawless. The result of this pressure is that we grow complacent, lose motivation, and give up on projects that might otherwise advance us.
Most successful people manage to avoid feeling embarrassed by ignoring their own self-doubt. They recognize that perfectionism breeds anxiety, but they also know that mistakes are useful. What's more, they know how to overcome their fear of making mistakes. It's not about being perfect. It's about being better than you were yesterday.